2470 Castro Valley Blvd. | Castro Valley, CA 94546
M-F: 8am - 5pm | Sat:7:30am - 3:30pm | Sun: Closed
Item Number: | 001816 |
Size: | 185/60R14 |
Sidewall: | BW |
Load Index: | 82 |
Speed Rating: | H |
Ply: | SL |
UTQG: | 400BB |
Mileage Warranty: | 40K |
Service Description: | 82H |
Castro Valley Tire Pros is proud to offer Fuzion brand tires to Castro Valley, CA. We are confident that the Touring tire will be a great fit for your vehicle. We offer tires in size 185/60R14 and many other sizes, so please contact us for more information! Ask for item number 001816 if you would like the item on this page.
The Fuzion Touring tire is an all-season grand touring tire designed for minivans, small crossovers, coupes and sedans. The Touring tire is priced affordably and offers a smooth quiet ride while handling well in most weather conditions including light snow. It also has a 55,000 mile tread life warranty for T rated sizes or 40,000 mile for H and V rated sizes.